Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Can I let the time comes back??
It's not the same anymore...
Do u feel it???
If I can let the time comes back.. then everything will not ever be like tis, rite???
But I can't...
Now wat should I do??
Regret wit everything tat I hav done??
It really hurt me.. hurt me a lot...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Everyone is so stress!!
So tired.. really really tired n sleepy.. .
I'm waiting for husin to fetch me n discuss about out RAM assignment which due on tis coming Friday... =(
At library, so many ppl r busy wit their works. N seem like they r so stress wit everything. Same as me here.. but, I try to not show it out, coz dun wan to be more stress!! >__<
All assignments due soon n final exam is coming soon too... So, no wonder tat everyone looks very stress during tis time.
Really can't imagine my result for tis sem. Juz hope tat I can pass all the subjects. Gambate!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Swinburne Prom Nite 2008
However, I will not talk much in tis post, but juz show the pics tat we hav taken on the Prom Nite to let u guys see, k!
So, enjoy... =D
See.. tis is wat usually girls busy wit before a party.... hahaha
Get Ready!
I couldn't see clear the performances.. too far.. hiks!
Wen, nice?? haha
Friday, October 24, 2008
Children's home
Actually for long time already, I wan to go there, but always havent find tat chance.
And now, my feeling tells me tat I need to go there...
Most of the children there dun hav parents n maybe they are the kids who are not expected by their parents to be born in tis life.
See.. how pity? Do u ever imagine tat ur condition is the same wit the kids there??
Ur parents dun wan u.. or u even dunno who ur parents r. n u never get parents n family's luv... Can u imagine tat??
Personally, I really thanks to God tat I hav my parents n family beside me when I was born to tis life.. it was mean tat my parents appreciated me as a gift from God. They were waiting me to come to tis life. Although I'm not perfect n not always being a good kid, but I get their luv. They luv me juz the way I am.
So, I wan to share my luv for the kids in the children home too. I wan them to know tat they oso can get luv from the other ppl. Although they never get luv from their parents, but I wan they know tat a lot of ppl wish and appreciate them to come to tis life.
Sometimes, I really dunno why their parents hav the heart to leave them. Wat r the reasons tat let them hav to leave their kids? kids r innocent. They dun need to carry on any responsibility tat caused by adults. Sometimes adults are just too selfish. They dun even care wat r the effects tat will they bring to their kids in their future life. If I think of tis, I feel really sad... why hav these kind of ppl in tis world? Don they hav hearts??
So, I promise to myself, I will try to be a good mother in my future. I wan to giv my luv for my kids as much as I can. I wan they know tat they r the gifts from God which I appreciate the most. I wan to luv them juz the way they r. Hope tat I can do it!! =)
* My friend said he will accompany me to the children home after my final exam.
Really waiting for tat time.. =) hope tat I will hav a nice experience wit the children there!!
Any one of u wan to follow?? hehe
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Handsome guy Vs Ugly guy.
If a handsome guy is quiet,
Girls will say “Wow, cool”
If an ugly guy is quiet,
Girls will say “Nerd”
If a handsome guy is single
Girls will say “He is perfectionist”
If an ugly guy is single
Girls will say ”No wonder, no one wants him”
If a handsome guy does bad things
Girls will say “Nobody’s perfect”
If an ugly guy does bad things
Girls will say “He got a criminal face”
If a handsome guy come to save a girl that is being annoyed by gangsters
Girls will say “He is a gentleman”
If an ugly guy does so,
Girls will say “Those gangsters must be his friends”
If a handsome guy has a pretty girlfriend
Girls will say “They fit each others”
If an ugly guy has a pretty girlfriend
Girls will say “He must used some dark magic to hypnotize her”
If a handsome guy has just been broken up by his girlfriend
Girls will say “You still got me baby”
If an ugly guy has just been broken up by his girlfriend
Girls will say “Pity you”
If a handsome guy is an animal lover
Girls will say “He has a very kind heart”
If an ugly guy is an animal lover
Girls will say “Brothers should love each other”
If a handsome guy drives a Mercedes
Girls will say “Wow cool man”
If an ugly guy drives a Mercedes
Girls will say “Driver, where is your boss?”
If a handsome guy pours drinks for a girl
Girls will say “That’s a real man”
If an ugly guy pours drinks for a girl
Girls will say “He has the sense of a maid”
If a handsome guy doesn’t want his picture to be taken
Girls will say “He afraid his photos to be spread”
If an ugly guy doesn’t want his picture to be taken
Girls will say “He can’t imagine what the picture will be”
If a handsome guy is sad
Girls will say “Let me be your shoulders to cry on”
If an ugly guy is sad
Girls will say “Cry…cry..so crybaby...Are you a man?”
If a handsome guy read this
He will look at himself on the mirror, smile and say“Life is beautiful”
If an ugly guy read this
He’ll be frustrated, prepare for some rope and hang it on the ceiling, and say“THIS LIFE IS TERRIBLE!!”
See.. I din lying to u. It's so funny rite?? however, I think the answers for those questions r quite reasonable lo.. hahaha
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday!!!
We gave a very big surprise for her which until make she cried. hehe (Maybe I will talk about it on next time when I hav time to update tis post >.<)
Sorry, for made u shocked n worried my luvly sis. But, hope u had a wonderful small b'day celebration last nite.
We all luv u... *muach ^ ^
This is her b'day cakes... Nice oo..
Debi n B'day cakes.
Cute Mickey Mouse from me n susan.. Present for her! Hope u like it Debi..
However, besides Debi, my friend Laura oso b'day on today.. So, Juz wanna wish u gals..
* Tomolo, 21Oct'08 is Susan's Chinese B'day.
So, wish u Happy Chinese Birthday, Susan. Muacchhhhh........
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Nice moment in Camp Permai...
Tis was the 1st time we went together wit all of indon friends and stayed over nite in camp permai...
We used 3 cars wit 5 ppl inside each car. So, we'r 15 ppl in total. And we rent 1 cabin which was quite nice and comfortable for us.
I was very excited wit tis planning, coz for so long time already I wan to go somewhere wit them n release our stress.
Anywhere is ok for me as long as I can hang out wit them. Wit them, I will not feel stress.. Wit them, I will feel comfortable n can be myself.. Tat's why I luv them n consider them as my family... >.<
Everyone play.. play... (Except 'someone') Ooopsss.... :P
Red's day... haha
At the beach...
Nice pic... (But.. except 'someone' tat dun wan to see the camera) hahahaha
Sha2.. who looks so happy there... Nice pic sha... :D
Everybody's waiting for their turn to take shower...
N one pankun was trying to steal sth through the window... haha kidding..
Tis is meeeeee......... (In the room) see.. so many things n messy there..
At the living room... ppl were doing their own business n one girl was pose in front of my camera.. haha
Everyone looks so busy... haha (Nico wat r u doing??wanna fight??) haha
Ooo.. can u see wat r they doing?
Playing Black Jack... haha
Come.. come.. join.. join... :P
After played for a while, we had our dinner... KFC.. KFC... yummy...
N tis is how the ppl usually feel after eating... (Wen, so sleepy is it??) haha
Mer, I wan.... >.<
After tat we planned to go to the beach... Tis was the 1st time I went to the beach on the nite, I was so happy coz for so long time already I wan to go to beach on the nite time. But, I couldnt see the stars n the moon on tat nite coz the weather was not good. =(
Felt a bit disappointed too.. we couldnt stay longer there becoz of raining. uuh...
Our shadows... Can u guess, which one is me?? haha
Nah.. Nel, Sha.. wat magazine tat u gals read?? haha
Again... Planned to play Black Jack again... haha But, now wit the punishment, whoever lose the game, they should drink the beer... haha quite interesting...
See... tis is one of the loser... haha
But, after the games, everybody was so tired n some were drunk already... (one of them was in the pic above) hahaha
So, all the guys were going to sleep... haizz... so sad... =(
(Guys, no more beers for next trip ya... ) haha
See... tis is how the guys slept so well on tat nite where the gals couldn't sleep becoz of .... (Gals.. u know i know... haha)
On 26 Sept '08
Meee again........ haha the person who took shower 1st on tat morning... :P Oh... they r really sisters... haha
Me n Debiiii..............
Me n My Nelaaaaaaaa..........
Me n Cuciaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn............ hahaha
Breakfast.. breakfast...
Wah... Grab Mie advertisement??? haha
When the other were taking breakfast, some were still dreaming... hahaha
Gals.. laen kali kta angkat keluar ya... haha
For tis pic, so hard n risky to take it.. see.. the pic's so blurr.. (I think he will kill me if he knows tat I upload his pic in my blog) =P However, I'm not scare... hahaha peace sin...... After everyone took shower n packed our things, we checked out...
Taking pic before go back.. (Mer, San, n Wen)
Too hot?? or too cold?? haha
Uuuh... they din wan to see us.. pretend we were strangers??
Cuciaaaaaaaannnnnnnn n meeeeee...... hehe
3 cars.. I was in the 3rd car.. hehe
Waaah.... I luv tis beach so much..... Pantai Puteri........ Welcome to my beach.... hahaha
Man, Sha came for honey moon?? haha
I really like tis house... my dream house where in front of the house is a beach.. so tat I can see the sea everyday!:D (like the house in the Full house korean drama one. Remember??) haha These 2 ppl get lost??? >.<
Waah.. they all r going to my house.. welcome... haha (dreaming)
Continue to next destination... haha
Ko2's car...
Iman's car...
Jof in his car... Cool man.. haha
Wuiih.. I like tis pic.. hehe n I like Puteri beach too.. ^__^
After tat, went to 'Beach Seafood Restaurant' for lunch...
View from the restaurant.. so nicee....
Busy..busy.. everyone looks busy..
Busy want to order?? haha
Order or meeting?? Why so serious?? hahaha
When the others busy, we were taking pic.. ^.^
And ehemm.. >.<
My bro n future sis in law... haha =P
Looks nice??
Cieeh.. Nico, u looks cool here.. hehe
Crab..crab..crab... Yummy!!
Everyone is busy eating... n me, busy taking pic.. haha
Ok, tat's all for tis post.. tis quite a long post coz I hav uploaded a lot of pics.. need to take quite a long time too for uploading those pics.. >.<
N thanks for those of my friends who went to permai.. thanks for creating such a wonderful memory of my life wit u guys... Luv y!! ^__^
Yuuhuuii n Finally... I finished upload the pics!!hahaha