Saturday, March 28, 2009

New trend in FB

Guys, do u think tat tis few weeks a lot of our friends or maybe including U n Me hav followed a new trend in the Facebook?? haha Since a lot of ppl including my friends hav switched their social networking in Friendster to Facebook. Ok, maybe I couldnt say 'switch' since their Friendster accounts r still exist. hahaha But, mostly of my friends or maybe including me din open the Friendster accounts for such a long time already. =P
Do u know why?? coz a lot ppl find tat Facebook is more fun than Friendster. There r a lot of features or applications tat we could find in Facebook but not in Friendster. Ok, maybe Friendster has trying hard to change their features or applications as like Facebook. But, I din see tat their changes make it more fun like the Facebook. =P Wah, I feel tat I'm so bad. haha

Ok, we back to the topic. Do u guys know wat's the new trend in Facebook tat I mean?? A new habit tat make a lot of our friends sign in their accounts at home, sch, lab, library or even in the class. haha which spent our time on everyday, every hour or even every minute.. hahaha Ok, the answer is Quizes!! Now, a lot of ppl make quizes in the Facebook. Any kind of quizes such as about life, friends, personality, love, or even those funny quizes like 'When will u die?' or 'Which Twilight guy should u date??' Hahaha really such funny quizes. But, by answering those quizes, it really can release my stress although for a while. Don u think so?? ^___^

Here r the results of quizes tat I ever answered. Some of the quizes tat I answered r in Indonesia language too. N There r a lot of funny results tat I get, but I think some of them r quite true oso. haha

"What disney character are you?" quiz and the result is: Cinderella - You'll do any thing for friends wih all the love there is inside you. you love dressing up and have many great friends you value so much.
-->> Yay!! Cinderella?? So where is my Prince?? hahaha

"Which type of woman are you?" quiz and the result is: Lovely Lady - You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare!
-->> Am I?? haha

"What flavor are you..." quiz and the result is: Vanilla - You're a calm and quite person ,people will admire you in the first sight . but sometimes you can be wild..
-->> Really??? I can be wild as well?? hahaha

"How many kids will you have?" quiz and the result is 8 kids!
-->> Wow!! Really a lot... hahaha Then I should learn of how to take care of them.. or else maybe I must marry wit a millionnaire guy, so can ask babysitters to take care of them. hahaha

"WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF YOU AT FIRST SIGHT?" quiz and the result is: you are funny :) - People like you as soon as they see you! You look sincere and trust worthy!
-->> Am I such a funny person?? hahaha

"Warna Apakah Kamu?" quiz and the result is: Biru.. - Seseorang yang suka akan ketenangan, loe adalah seorang yang cinta damai. Namun setiap kali pertengkaran terjadi, loe sedih banget. Kadang-kadang pun loe sampe cengeng karena udah gak tahan lagi. Bisa dibilang, loe sedikit pendiam. Inilah mengapa terkadang pendapat loe jarang diterima, namun hebatnya loe bisa bertahan dan terus setia.
-->> Yup!! I like peacefulness. =) N I admit tat I'm such a crying baby too. >.<>

"Who Is Your Soulmate?" quiz and the result is Belongs With Someone With Class - Your future lover should be someone with class. You belong with someone polite and never afraid to admit their mistakes. They will help you see the good in life and appreciate everything.
-->> Haha Is it??

"SEBERAPA EMOSIONAL KAH ELO?" quiz and the result is PENYABAR BANGEET!! - lu tuh emang T O P dah. penyabar. lu bisa nerima semua keadaan dengan sabar. ga pake emosi. semua orang pasti tenang dideket lu. pertahanin itu. jangan sampe jadi orang yg emosian. ok?
-->> Am I such a patient person?? Hmm.. I dun think so.. hahaha

"Lo sahabat yang baik apa bukan" quiz and the result is: lo emang sahabat yang baik - lo bisa memahami gimana keadaan diri lo dan sahabat lo, dan bisa mnyeimbangkan keadaan kalian.
-->> Am I?? Juz u guys know it.. haha

"What is the name of the guy you will marry..."quiz and the result is: Alan - This guy is some hunk he is very sensitive though so don't get too agressive give him some space..
-->> Wat?? ALan?? who is him?? hahaha

"Which color is your aura?" quiz and the result is: yellow - Yellows are the sunniest, happiest and most childlike personalities in the color-spectrum. "All I want to do is have some fun!" is a song which is a wonderful representation of Yellows and shows their easy going, light and sunny character. These playful people have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to laugh and intimately enjoy life from many different angles. They advocate relaxation, the pure joy of life and live spontaneously. They are always reminding other people to not take life too seriously and to always look on the bright side. Life and work should both be enjoyed.
-->> Yeah.. I love to laugh. Hahahahaha But.. Am I enjoy my life?? hmm...

"What Is Your Japanese Name?" quiz and the result is: if your a girl your name is:Ai if your a guy your name is:Ren - Ai means love and affecton and your full of love so Ai suits you best:)And Ren means romance and love, thats cool cause chicks dig romantic guys :)
-->> Wuiih... "Ai" is really a nice name... I love it!! ^__^ Ai in mandarin means Love too. hehe

"What kind of tree are you?" quiz and the result is: oak - full of power, you are a mighty oak. you can be a thousand years old.
-->> I can live for a thousand of years?? Oh my... haha

"Are u in love?" quiz and the result is: you love him - you love him i say girl marry him and whatever you do dont lose him.
-->> Waaah.... *shy

"What age will you be when you get married?" quiz and the result is: 27 - you will get married when you are age 27..
-->> Hmm... still hav 6 years to go... hahaha

"What kind of smile do you have?" quiz and the result is: Bright Smile - With one smile you brighten everybodys day. You are very unique. People feel comfortable around you. You are giving and kind to others. happiness is in your heart to stay.
-->> Yes!! I wanna brighten anyone around me everyday wit my smile. =)

"What is the first letter of your soulmate?" quiz and the result is Your soulmate's name starts with an A!
-->> Wew!! A for Alan??? Hahahaha

"What kind of person are you?" quiz and the result is You're charming - your charming and you arent annoying you find dates often and are nice to should keep this up.
-->> Hmm.. again, Am I?? haha

"What's your life description?" quiz and the result is Caring, Optimistic - You find it necessary to make everyone and everything around you feel just fantastic. You really know how to lift people's spirits.
-->> Wah... I really can lift people's spirits?? hahaha I really hope so...

"What kind of husband/wife will you be?" quiz and the result is Great husband/wife - Your gonna satisfy your partner and make them the happiest person in the world.
-->> I wish it!!!

"Which Twilight Guy Should You Date?" quiz and the result is Emmett Cullen - You want a guy who loves cars and you. OMG! too bad hes immortal. well theres a way to fix these things. hes super cute so live up....Rosalie wont mind too much.
-->> My God!! Why not Edward Cullen?? hahaha I juz wanna him.. >.<

"The mood for you!" quiz and the result is Happy! - You are an exciting person. Everyone loves to be around you because your mood is always good.
-->> Ok, but not 'always' I think. haha

"If you were RICH, what would you be doing?" quiz and the result is Enjoying Family vacations - You enjoy your family time as quality time and especially with more money in the bank. You are definitely going to enjoy family filled vacations. For the best prices without having to be rich you can plan your vacations @ for the perfect trip less than costs @ other websites.
-->> Wuiih.. I hope it will come someday!! Coz I luv my Family...

"Who will you marry?" quiz and the result is Prince Charming - Seams you have done everything right and you will end up with your prince!
-->> Haha Since I'm charming then I will marry wit Prince charming too?? hahaha

"Why Do People Like You?" quiz and the result is Great Personallity! - People Like You Because You Have A Fantastic Personallity, Your Soo Bubbly And Love To Have Good Laugh. Your A Great Matee!
-->> Do I hav a great personality?? hmm...

"What is your real age?" quiz and the result is 14 years old.
-->> Wow! So young... hahaha

"What Color Is Your Heart?" quiz and the result is pink - The Pink Heart is compassionate, empathetic, imaginative, sensitive, mystical, spiritual, dreamy, passive, easy-going, idealistic, visionary, inspirational, accepting, undiscriminating, charitable, believes in soul growth, self-sacrificing and artistic. They can also sometimes be distracted, detached, illusory, impractical, gullible, neglectful, escapist and lazy..
-->> Yeah.. I'm imaginative, sensitive, dreamy, n passive too.. >.<

"Are you childish?" quiz and the result is Less adult-ish - You like to seem mature and knowing a bit here and there of everything, but with your family or friends (people you feel comfortable at) you open up and your childish site can shine out, you may like some games and hanging out with friends.
-->> Yeah.. it's quite true.

"How do you look at life ???" quiz and the result is realist - you look at the world in a realistic way, you are strong minded, your goal in life may be to have a good job start a family and try hard for your children?
-->> Hmmm....

"The Simple Truth??" quiz and the result is loving angel - You are a Loving Angel, that takes everyone underneath your wing. You are always there for the people you know and even the people you just met. You are the type of person everyone loves!.
-->> Waah.. I hope I'm like wat it says. haha

"How romantic are you???" quiz and the result is you are really romantic - kamu memang sangat romantis.kamu dapat merayu orang lain bagai mana caranya cari orang yang sama romantis. maka kamu akan saling mencintai.
-->> Hahaha.. Am I really a romantic person??

"SEBERAPA TINGKAT KEDEWASAAN lo?" quiz and the result is MATURE ENOUGH ! - lo masih agak labil , belum kuat sepenuhnya , hidup lo yang banyak cobaan itu , mgkn ada yang bisa bikin lo sedih bgt , tapi ga dalam waktu yang lama , karena lo bisa menyadari kalo hal itu ga akan bikin sesuatu yang uda terjadi akan berubah , so , kamu akan move on , dan ga pduli apa kata orang . hati lo uda cukup kuat , tapi perasaan lo masih sehalus kapas , jadi , jangan melihat masalah dari sisi negatifnya aja ! sisi positif dari maslah itu juga harus lo liat!
-->> Yeah!! It's really true... I need to move on.

"Whats the first letter of the person you will fall in love with?" quiz and the result is M.
-->> N then who's tis person wit M letter?? haha

"Are u in love?in Crush?or just friends...?" quiz and the result is In Loooove - U love that Person ....and u realy should tell him that before it's to late.
-->> Hmm.. Shud I??

"Waktu kamu kecil, anak seperti apakah kamu?" quiz and the result is Kamu anak yang PENDIAM - sssttt... dulu kamu itu sama sekali nggak punya obsesi atau motivasi akan jadi apakah kamu nanti. sikap kamu yang pendiam bikin orang tua kamu jadi cuek banged sama kamu. mulai sekarang berubahlah dan menjadi orang yang aktiv!
-->> Yeah.. it's quite true. but, my parents never ignored me before...

"Apakah kamu mengenal dirimu?" quiz and the result is cukup mengenal diri loe - lumayanlah... dah tau baik buruknya tentang diri loe.. dah bisa membawa diri lebih baik kedalam situasi manapun.... good job!
-->> Wah.. Do I really know n understand myself??

"Udah tau cara bikin gebetan suka juga ama lo?" quiz and the result is Excellent! yea, lo bener2 tau gimana cara bikin dy suka ama lo! - lo ngasi perhatian, tp ga berlebihann, waktu dy udah mulai tertarik ama lo.. lo malah ngejauh, bkin dy penasaran. emang sih, strategi ini ga berlaku buat setiap orang, tp rata2 ini berhasil bgt. good luck!
-->> Hmmmm... Haha

Ok, tat's all!! I really hav tried a lot of quizes, rite? N I think I wanna try some more. hahaha
Wanna know urs?? Then try it... It's quite fun.. really!! hahaha


  1. some of the quizes that I found very interesting are:

    1. "Are u in love?in Crush?or just friends...?"
    2. "What is your real age?"
    3. "Who will you marry?"
    4. "What kind of husband/wife will you be?"
    5. "What kind of smile do you have?"

    and lastly ppl..

    "What age will you be when you get married?"

    huahahaha the answer is 27!!! wkwkwk so fast nek :P btw ill be waiting fot the invitation and the tickets too tho :D hahaha

  2. some of the quizes that I found very interesting are:

    1. "Are u in love?in Crush?or just friends...?"
    2. "What is your real age?"
    3. "Who will you marry?"
    4. "What kind of husband/wife will you be?"
    5. "What kind of smile do you have?"

    and lastly ppl..

    "What age will you be when you get married?"

    huahahaha the answer is 27!!! wkwkwk so fast nek :P btw ill be waiting fot the invitation and the tickets too tho :D hahaha

  3. i am an addict of fb quizzes!!!

    yesterday i took three back to back and it was hilarious.
    first it was 'when will you get married?' it said October 3, 2011

    then I took 'when will you get engaged?' and it gave me 21st September 2011

    and then i took when i will have my 1st baby and it said 6th June 2010.. MY GOD!
